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Working with Spirit is my heart, my journey, my inspiration. Since I was a small child I have seen and sensed Spirit and I have been on many spiritual adventures in my quest to find ways to serve spirit and provide healing to the people that come my way. My life’s journey has been about studying many traditions and acquiring  many skills so I can better communicate and work as a healing bridge for Spirit.


I I worked as a counsellor for ten years in my own practice and six years at San Francisco General Hospital. During this time I worked with hundreds of patients with terminal illness, mental illness and drug addiction in one to one sessions and in groups. I deeply experienced the value of working with people to develop their own sense of spirituality in context of their religious beliefs. am an Initiated Wiccan Priestess in the Starhawk Lineage, an ordained Spiritualist Minister and I had an embodied consciousness awakening in 2014 within the 'Waking Down in Mutuality' tradition. In the last twenty years I have worked as a Healer, a Homeopath and Udemy, Listenable and Facebook Live online teacher.


I have been reading Tarot for over forty years and have taught Tarot to beginner and advanced students. In my Mediumship journey I have trained at the College of Psychic Studies, Arthur Findlay College in Stanstead, UK and with many wonderful expert mediums in the field. I have conducted many, many readings in the past 40 years.


My heart is dedicated to Spirit and I am in service to Spirit in my daily life. I am blessed to be guided and supported though my ability to communicate with other realms.


See below for my prices and for links to my Tarot sessions etc., my current online trainings, some of my UDEMY online courses and Mystical Tarot Initiation and Psychic Mediumship Mentoring 

Mystical Tarot Initiation & Psychic Mediumship MENTORING

The Mystical Tarot Initiation is based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana Rider Waite deck, I will support you through your  year and a day Mystical Tarot Initiation. The Psychic Mediumship Mentoring will support you through a year of development of Psychic and Mediumship skills. 

Contact me below for more details.

Fortune Telling Cards


Fees available on request. Skype or in person

Linda was trained to give Spiritual Assessments at the Arthur Findlay College in the UK. This will involve looking at your Spiritual Development, your connection to your guides, any blockages or guidance for you path. These readings are powerful reflections of you Soul's purpose.


Fees available on request. Skype or in person

Linda is a 'natural' medium having seen Spirit since childhood. She has had extensive Psychic and Mediumship training. Linda has been using Tarot for over 40 years. She has taught Tarot workshops and created UDEMY. Listenable and Facebook Live online courses. Her readings are often deeply transformative.

Interview links (Click on image):

Exploring the Mysteries of Mediumship with Psychic Medium Linda Rauch | How Mediumship Heals
with Shannon Torrence, Magic is Real 

Soul Sync with Jason Paul 


Thanks for submitting!

Linda Rauch Medium is committed to exceeding your needs, she’d love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to reach out today.


This form is ONLY for questions regarding readings, mentorship, press or teaching appearances.


Any questions re: my online trainings;

Psychic and Mediumship Development Masterclass, Intuitive Tarot Witchcraft Masterclass and Magick Masterclass, or my advanced ACADEMIES contact my admin on: 


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